Here's an update on the baby status =)
Ryan and I went into the hospital on Sunday because I thought I was leaking fluid. So, they check me in and strap me up to the stress test machine and the nurse goes to check me and guess what??? I was only 1.5 centimeters dilated at most!!! HOW CAN THAT BE?! My Dr told me with a great amount of confidence that I was a 3!!! Anyway, no leakage and everything looked great so we were allowed to go home =)
We then went into the hospital yesterday thinking that I was ready to go in because contractions were on average about 5 minutes apart. However, by the time we got there, the contractions slowed down and decreased in strength =(
A different Dr (Dr. Yun) checked me yesterday because my Dr (Dr. Parks) had to go do a surgery. So, anyway, Dr. Yun checks me and because of all the contractions, I was now at a 2 and almost a 3 - wahoo!!! She did confirm that I was in the 1st phase of labor as I was in fact having contractions - they just weren't strong enough or close enough yet. That and other signs which I won't say because I don't want to gross anyone out.
This morning, I was woken up at 5 am with contractions that would have pleased Dr. Yun - they hurt so bad I was on the verge of tears AND NO AMOUNT OF BREATHING WAS HELPING!!! They have still been that strong and sometimes stronger but they're only 20 minutes apart. So, here we go. It's going to be a loooong day =P
So, I have scheduled an appointment to go in tomorrow (Wed. 10/29) at 5:30 am to be induced if things still haven't progressed since then. Since I have been in labor since Sunday night, I figured - "I don't want to endure a whole week of this! LET'S DO THIS THING!"
Please keep us in your prayers and ask God to let everything go smoothly and that Kai is healthy and safe =)