Monday, June 1, 2009

Peas!!! YUCK!!!

I keep trying to give Kai peas but he does NOT like them. I then try to convince myself that maybe he's just not in a mood to eat right now - maybe he's not hungry. But, today, I fed him carrots and rice cereal and he ate every bite. Then I tried giving him peas and this is what he did.

What do I do? Do I give up and not give him peas any more or should I work on it and try to get him to like it??? Any suggestions?


The Fallons said...

That is adorable!!! I can't wait to see how Ethan takes food.
We miss you guys and can't wait for Tahoe :)

colleen shubin said...

Don't stop trying or he will definitely never like them. Just keep trying every few days and don't force it. He may never LOVE them, but he'll probably get to the point where he will eat them. Remember, it's all new to him, and some things just take some getting used to - let his tastebuds 'grow up'. love you