Sunday, February 28, 2010

Proverbs 31 Woman Challenge!!!

For the past month or so, an idea has been brewing on my heart and mind. An idea that I hope will help grow me in my role as a woman, wife and mother and further the gospel in my home and community.

This idea first showed it's beautiful face when I started reading through Mark Chanski's book, "Womanly Dominion - More Than A Gentle & Quiet Spirit". (I HIGHLY recommend reading this book by the way - no matter what season of life you're in) What has really stuck out to me so far in my reading of this book is that we as women are to cultivate a spirit of ruling the dominion God has assigned to us. Being a godly woman is more than just having a "gentle and quiet spirit" that trusts in the Lord and does not worry about tomorrow. We are to do something about the "today"! Where God has placed us TODAY, whether it be in a season of singleness and going to school, newly married or raising a family of 7 and preparing for "empty nesting", God has called us to be hard workers. We are to rule and manage what He has lovingly assigned to us in our God-given roles as men and women.
In light of this revelation, the Proverbs 31 Woman came to mind since this passage beautifully portrays a woman who faithfully helps and serves her husband and children through her words of encouragement and her determination to manage & keep the home - but above all, she is praised for how she is a woman who fears the Lord.

So! Here's the challenge! Starting March 1st, I will be taking the Proverbs 31 Woman passage and meditating on it one verse at a time each month and seek out ways to applicably & creatively do the things mentioned in that verse. (If you like this idea, feel free to go on this journey with me and I would LOVE to hear the creative ways you put each verse into application and what God showed you through out the month).

My first verse is Proverbs 31: 10: "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels."
"WHAT do I do with THIS one?", I asked myself. So I did a little research and found a gal who took on the same challenge and focused on 2 areas in her life that could use a little more "excellence".

The 2 areas that I will be focusing on this month will be:

  1. My Husband: My #1 priority is to be an encourager and helpmeet to Ryan as well as seek to minister to him and be ministered by him before anyone else. I also really want to grow in seeking to look good for him, no matter what my day was like. Who wants to come home to a grumpy, tired sasquatch?
  2. My Home: Being on top of my daily chores so that Ryan has a peaceful and clean home to come home to as well as managing my time so that I can prepare and have a delicious meal on the table by the time my family is hungry. (Ryan and I joined the Abundant Harvest Organics and are also going vegetarian for the month of March as a body cleanse - can you believe this was RYAN's idea?! I can't wait to try out the new veggies and grow in meal planning)
There are SOOO many other things I could work on too but, I will just get overwhelmed and discouraged by the long "to do" list so, I will keep it simple.

I will keep you posted on what happens =)


Libby said...

I like this idea! So you're doing one verse for a whole month? or did you mean week? Either way, it's a great idea! I've been doing sort of a similar thing where I've been fasting from "bad/false" things which contradict Biblical principles (especially femininity) and in turn reading Proverbs (especially Ch 31), Ruth and Esther. Go Chalene!